
8 Engineering Stores Base Depot

This unit will probably appeal more to the National Service sappers or those who are slightly more senior (I didn't say senile! Get your hearing checked, will you?) so if you can tell me anything about it to put here so that it helps others understand what the unit did, I'd be very grateful.  Terry Dapp sent me this info-


8ESBD (Engineering Stores Base Depot) Fanara, Egypt. Seemed to be in existence in 1944,   believed to be a WW2 ex prisoner of war camp, certainly had double fencing and mine warnings around the perimeter still in 1952. The tented camp was situated between the Treaty Road and the main railway line Port Said to Suez, the Depot was adjacent but between the railway and the Sweetwater Canal( a misnomer as everyone knows), with its own marshalling yard. Every type of RE equipment was stored here. The perimeter was shared on the south side with the RAF , which from memoy was 109 MU. According to the handover details to the Egyptian Government in 1955  it consisted of 91 acres of covered and 284 acres of open storage accommodation.

The C.O in 1952 was Lt Col 'Kim' Hargreaves.


Unknown units

This is a generic unit page for now, just so that anyone who was based in these locations can register here and then tell me what units should have been associated with these locations.