
2 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

Newsflash -

I am hunting for pictures and info on the military vehicle I restored. A MK 2/3 Daimler Ferret (with a movable turret) 00DD24. It spent it's time with the Royal Engineers in Germany. 2 Armoured Engineer Squadron Iserlohn from Nov1970-76 and 12 Field Squadron Roberts Bks Osnabruck from sept 1976-93 when it was struck off. The .30CAL MG was changed to a GPMG on the 07 FEB 1990. There is evidence that it was once fitted with a large storage bin/cage over the engine deck, a common mod for ferrets with a long service life.  It would be great to find someone who remembers the Ferret, it's role, call sign etc and possibly even get a copy of a picture of it. Thanks for taking the time and reading this. Regards Ross

There are pictures of the vehicle on the 2 Sqn photos page.  You can contact Ross here - http://www.sappers.co.uk/users/ross (assuming you're a registered member)

26 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

30 Squadron

The original Dirty 30!

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

John Anderson runs a website for 30 Sqn with lots of photos, messages and all the interesting stuff on it, I'd recommend you go and visit.  http://sapper696.50megs.com/index.html

There is also another 30 Sqn site run by Roger Lakeman, which may be for members from the same time period or a different time period, you can find it at www.30fieldsquadron.org.uk

For the older cadre - this message was received March 2012 - My name is John Gardiner I run a small website dedicated to 30 Squadron 1960 to 1970 especially for those who served in Aden 1966/1977. The web address is http://www.aden30squadronre.itgo.com/.  Why not give it a click if it applies to you ?

31 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

39 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

7 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

Bob Blakey is working on a special page for all you Shiney 7 members out there, why not go and

have a look at it here?http://shiny7.webs.com

Reunion site. http://shiny7.reunion.webs.com

77 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon

HQ 32 Engineer Regt

This is a holding page for this unit until enough people join and give me some background info to put here.  
