TA - 143 Plant Squadron R.E.(V)
It was an independent squadron consisting of
HQ & 1 Troop in Walsall
2 Troop in Manchester (Guests of 75 Engineer Regiment)
3 Troop in Swansea
4 Troop in Telford.
TA - 71 Engineer Regiment
Bob Blakey asked me to put up a link here to his excellent 104 Field Squadron site, and I'm happy to do so. Feel free to get more information on that squadron there. http://www.freewebs.com/104fdsqnre/.
The role of the Regiment is to provide high quality and motivated military engineers to support regular engineer units on operations.
The Regiment offers the following trades:
- Plant operators
- Drivers
- Military communicators
- Combat engineers
- Resource specialists
We offer the additional support trades:
- Vehicle mechanic, recovery mechanic, vehicle electrician and metalsmith with our Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (REME) detachment
- Medic with our Royal Medical Corps (RMC) section
- Chefs with our Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) attachment
- Clerks with our Adjutants General's Corps (AGC) staff
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