TA - 117 Sqn

From Ray Finn -     I was in the ADR Detachment of 117 Squadron (TA) based on RAF Leuchars.   I was there from its creation in 1979 to 1981.    The unit subsequently became 277 Squadron (I think that’s the correct number) around 1983?    I was the only soldier in the WOs & Sgts Mess at Leuchars – I stood out at a bit in Mess Kit!

117 (Highland) Plt Sqn was based in Dundee and this was part of 71 (Scottish) Regt RE(V). during the period 95-98.


My name is Graham Hurst and I was a SSgt PSI with the Squadron from late 1977 until early 1981 before moving to 322 Engineer Park.My early days there were taken up with the first National Firemens strike.My fellow PSI 's at the time were S/Sgt Tony Mitchell and WO2 Phil Malkin.The PSO was at the time Major Ted Colley who was later superceded by Capt Ian Reid. Then the unit was part of 29 Engr Brigade (V) in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Also during this time the Squadron had a Plant troop in Aberdeen - PSI Sgt Alan (Dick) Joyce
Trails for ADR were begun during this time and the troop was based in RAF Leuchars with Capt Murphy and Sgt Ray Finn.

I joined 117 Fd Sp Sqn in 1979/80, and served with the Sqn until it disbanded in 1999. I was on the in-house Res Spec course run by PSI Hurst in 1981.

I joined the unit when it was first formed along with jacky sellers ex black watch Jim smith Ally Addison spent about a year there then joined the regulars 34 field squadron

I joined 117 field squadron ta dundee in 30th October 1996 till 18th June 1999 yes was three year but had family issues and with been the only male in the house had no option to leave the the unit I was dundee I did serve at rod road barracks sorry if not aloud let me know all my paper work was burned I also did a battle first aid course it be ran out by now but I am still in the cadet forces again with sea cadet corp