HQ 32 Engineer Regt Photos

32 Armd Engrs accomadation blocks and drill square. 1968-9                         Photo-Jaaa
Hohne- Garrison mass-band during rehearsal for VIP visitor.   1969..     photo-Jaaa
After filling-in the waste pit on exercise we held a mock funeral..RSM Couch said we had done a good job.
Hohne-Germany-1968. Looking around the Tank dump.                Jaaa
And what after the Army?                                      Jaaa
What a great job. Just coming into land after a photo recce.                    Jaaa
Steve and Jaaa training in the pool. Hohne Garrison Germany 1969
Hohne Garrison Swimming Pool.  1968-9                             Jaaa
32 Armd Engr crew ready for exercise. Hohne - Germany  1968-9               Photo - Jaaa
Course members from 32 HQ - 2 & 26 Sqns - 1 member from 26 RA.   Jaaa on far right.
32 Armd Barracks 2/3rds up and centre..  1968-9       Photo Jaaa
