13 Command Workshop REME

This unit only existed until 1962 - it was renamed after that.  

13 Command Workshops REME Aldershot

1942 – 1962 renamed 43 Command Workshops

HANSARD 1803–2005  ARMY WORKSHOPS, ALDERSHOT (FIRE)                 

HC Deb 06 November 1950 vol 480 c604604  Mr. Oliver Lyttelton 

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for War whether he has any statement to make regarding the fire at No. 13 Command Workshops, R.E.M.E., at Aldershot, which occurred last Saturday night. 

The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Strachey) 

This fire occurred on the night of 4th November. The workshops consist of a building of five bays. One of these was completely destroyed and two were seriously damaged. About 75 "B" vehicles which were under repair were destroyed, together with a number of spare parts and workshop equipment. No tanks or other fighting vehicles were damaged or destroyed. Investigations by the Special Investigation Branch of the Military Police and by the civil police were at once put in hand. A court of inquiry will be convened. As soon as its report has been considered I shall make a full statement to the House”.


I was posted to 13 Command Workshops, REME (Feb ’50 - Jan ’51) from AAS Harrogate, where I had been awarded the 6thterm prize for trade progress.  I was C&J 3 and an A/T Sgt and accepted the REME option I was offered, I felt privileged by this.  However, in one of the priority questions after arriving I was formally asked if I could drive!

Many working days started by forming up in threes then an orderly march/trot through the outskirts of the town, always before breakfast.  The Ash Ranges was one of the turning points reached.

A significant responsibility of the Workshops was in carrying out Recovery Duties: (The initial lift given to a casualty back to a selected site for repair).  The people involved could be called out any time through day and night; they operated suitably heavy and powerful vehicles and they were very proud of what they achieved.

The Workshop’s woodworking unit was located in an external building, in which I passed the trade test for C&J 2.  I later passed C&J 1 test overseas, building studies by correspondence, and was accepted for Clerk of Works (Construction) training, and transferring to the Corp.


Brian Davies.



I'm trying to find more about my Dads WWII career starting from Dunkirk and continuing to North Africa, Italy and then Austria; finally demobed in 1948.
His Name was Sgt. Jack Fletcher R.E.M.E.
After the war he worked as a Fireman in St Helens, Lancashire. Being a workaholic, he also had several other jobs at the same time. Including Flower delivery with InterFlora, Ambulance driver, sometimes barman in the Sefton Alms in St Helens owned by the wife of Ernie Pike, who I think was his uncle.
I haven't got much to go on. So I'm hoping someone will recognise him from the brief facts above. My email is Reg.fletcher@hotmail.com. Many thanks for any insights you can give. Reg Fletcher
Any thoughts from any direction would be great fully recieved.