Primary tabs
Formed at Malvern from 1 Training Bn.
1948 - 1958
Malvern. Jan moved to Cove. Feb absorbed 6 Training Regiment. May absorbed 9 Training Regiment. 27 and 28 Training Squadrons transferred from 6 Training Regiment and 57 Training Squadron from 36 Regiment.
Cove with 27, 28 and 57 Training Squadrons. 57 Training Squadron disbanded and C Training Squadron became 57 Training Squadron.
Cove with 27, 28 and 57 Training Squadrons.
Cove with 27, 28 and 57 Training Squadrons. Regiment absorbed 4 Training Regiment with 55 Training Squadron and 56 (MT) Squadron (which remained atAldershot). HQ Sqn formed.
Cove with 27, 28, 55 and 57 Training Squadrons, HQ Squadron with 56 (MT) Squadron at Aldershot. 56 (MT) Squadron moved to Crookham.
1964 - 1967
Cove with 27, 28, 55 and 57 Training Squadrons, HQ Squadron with 56 (MT) Squadron at Crookham.
Cove with 27, 28, 55 and 57 Training Squadrons, HQ Squadron with 56 (MT) Squadron at Crookham. 1 Trg Regt reorganized and 3 Trg Regt reformed, 56 (MT) Squadron and 57 Trg Sqn transferred to 3 Trg Regt.
1969 - 1972
Cove with 27, 28 and 55 Training Squadrons and HQ Squadron.
Cove with 27, 28 and 55 Training Squadrons and HQ Squadron. 27 Trg Sqn disbanded and HQ Sqn renamed 27 HQ Sqn.
1974 - 1976
Cove with 28 and 55 Training Squadrons and 27 HQ Squadron.
Cove with 28 and 55 Training Squadrons and 27 HQ Squadron. 1 and 3 Trg Regts reorganised, 55 Trg Sqn transferred to 3 Trg Regt and 56 (MT) Squadron transferred from 3 Trg Regt remaining at Crookham.
Cove with 28 Training Squadron, 56 (MT) Squadron (Crookham) and 27 HQ Squadron.
Cove with 28 Training Squadron, 56 (MT) Squadron (Crookham) and 27 HQ Squadron. 27 HQ Squadron disbanded and replaced by a HQ Troop. Regiment moved to purpose built Gibraltar Barracks at Camberly, 56 (MT) Squadron remained at Crookham.
Gibraltar Barracks, Camberly with 28 Training Squadron, 56 (MT) Squadron (Crookham) and HQ Troop. 27 HQ and Volunteer Trg Sqn formed from HQ Troop.
1981 -
Gibraltar Barracks, Camberly with 28 Training Squadron, 56 (MT) Squadron (Crookham) and 27 HQ and Volunteer Trg Sqn. |
Training NCO
I was at Cove 1 TRRE from 2/2/65 till 12/9/67 as a training Cpl I have photos of the some of my poor recruits the group shots pre-passout.Can I put them on here if I find them ?
1 TRRE party pics
i have posted lots of them.I Started a group for all Royal Engineers who served with 1,3 and 9 Training Regiment at Southwood camp, Cove, Farnborough. We have lots of 65- 67 members
Training NCO
I was in 67/80 party start 12 June ended 31 Oct posted out on 13 Nov to 65 Sqn. I would be more than a little interested in any photos you may have. TYVM
army training
basic training
Malvern 1954 2 weeks
Aldershot 1954 10 weeks
Maidstone Invicta camp 1954 oct 1955
Cyprus1955 1956
Maidstone 1956 Demobed aug 1956
as a training sapper,with82 party, training nco, g.gaynor,j,frazat?from liverpool,meant him at 44field park atpaderborn,he was with one of other squardrons which was there
Training NCO - 1 TRRE 75 to 77
I was a Trg NCO with 27 Sqn, had a great time their, learned to drive, became a dry ski slope instructor, and
Enjoyed training new recruits as well as Potential Officers.
Southwood camp
I reported to 1TRRE in October 1962.49 was our party.Sgt Sneddon party sgt.
RSM was Abe Stack,SDI was WO1 Vickerman,JDI Cpl Colin Fry.That winter was the worst on record for deep snow.Breaking the ice on Hawley Lake to do the Bridging was one hell of a job.I remember walking up the road for a fry up at the "Hasty Tasty"cafe.We had our passing out "DO"in the White Bear in soho.If ther are any old 49 niners who red this get in touch.
In my room I can remember,Mick Bertram,Jimmy Ross,Garth Stevens and Mick Holland.We were all "earwigs"to the party sgt.We even made a party song about him which he insisted on us singing whenever we marched.HAPPY TIMES
Mick Bertram was my best man
Mick Bertram was my best man in 1964.3
Training NCO
After leaving Dover, myself and three others were retained at 1TRRE I was assigned to 27 Sqn. I did my Combat Engineer BII there and had a short time at Chatham for a BII trade course. Eventually posted to No1 stores depot (Workshops).
1 TRRE Malvern 1955
Called up National Service 1 TRRE in November 1955. What a surprise when getting off the wagon in the camp and getting bawled at by Lcpl Tilley. Training had started. Not the best thought for a Sapper who had done a lot of training in the cadets. Being shown by Lcp Tilley how to take apart and put back together the part of the Bren Gun, I did not think and did it in a faster time than he. You can imagine the words in those days that came out of his mouth. Still good taking up a lot of discipline into all. No hot water. The time being November '55/'Feb 56 which was a very hard winter. Training finished in February 1956 and we were given our postings, mine with 4 others was to Singapore. We were given a week's leave and then told to report to Barton Stacey. From Barton Stacey, we embarked on the troopship Asturias and departed to Singapore in gale-force winds. From Singapore, we were given fresh orders and travelled up to Hong Kong where we joined 24 Field Engineer Regiment Royal Engineers/56 Field Squadron RE at Gordon hard Camp in the New Territories. I joined 'B' Troop. We did a period up in South Korea attached to the 1st Btn Ryl Sx Regt on the 38th parallel refurbishing the camp for the yanks to take over. Returning to Hong Kong the regiment was given orders to return to blighty, I was then working in RHQ. I did all the paperwork for the return and at the same time had to type out all the statements for the prosecution of one of our Sappers who had had a fight in Kowloon and killed another soldier. I then joined 54 Ind Fld Sqn in Tai Lam camp dow the road from Gordon Hard camp where I finished my Far East Tour.