Good and Sad memories with 33 Sqn, and others

I joined 33 on a very hot day in the summer of 71 and being met by "Handbrake" asking me if I was who he was to meet off the bus- right he said " follow me up to the Guardroom - your off to N.I! Next day I was in Long Kesh.As expected , there were good times,and some not so good !I can remember a lot of lads names in the Sqn. then the Sqn went to Hong Kong to build a road in the New Territories based at Fanling.this tour was a good experience for us.Sadly ,we lost one of the lads from 521 RE (V)- not sure but I think they were from the Birmingham area ? We then were posted to Castle Dillon on our return to the U.K. It was a bit bleak to say the least-but the main thing was the Sqn did not lose anybody-a couple of close calls though! After this tour I was transfered to 66 for my sins!And then to Germany for five months just to fill a gap before going to Plymouth.



I was with the sqn when we moved into Dillon and converted the stables into a disco/bar etc.....