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25 Squadron
This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon
I had this from Peter Mann today (November 2013) -
"During that short period at Minden the Berlin Wall was built. That was the first "long" weekend since I joined the unit, and we all made the most of a Friday on the beer! We were woken at about 5am and told to draw arms AND ammunition, get breakfast and be on parade in half an hour. After being told of the events in Berlin we were stood down until more orders were received. We spent the time boxing up our personal property, knowing that if we left the barracks then we would never be coming back! Very sobering! By the end of the day the situation was resolved and normality returned. We never got another long weekend to replace the one we lost!"
Anyone else got any stories from 25?
Hello ...... 2Troop 25 Field Squadron
I just looked at photo's left by Ray Pepper, faces and names came flooding back, nice to see one of me there. If there is anyone remembers me please contact. I'm in contact with Ian (Jim) Hawkins who also is on some photo's. I will dig out my photo's soon and download when I place my hands on them.
Thanks Taff Hayes.
Air Troop RE
Hi Gordon,
When I was serving with 25 Squadron in Paderborn which was part of 4th Divisional Engineers in 1967 I was seconded to a new unit called Air Troop which was formed consisting of two Sioux Light Observational Helicopters and support vehicles. There were just eight personnel, two pilots both RE an officer and S/Sgt. The remaining personnel were a Cpl and two Sappers, (I was one of those Sappers) and three REME aircraft techs two L/Cpls and a WO2. We were stationed in Sennelager and provided aerial observational support for 4 Div Engineers and 20 Armoured Brigade Group. Would you please add the Air Troop to the list of units so I can add it to my work history?
Many thanks,
The Berlin Wall 1961
With ref. to Peter Mann's 2013 comment above I was also one of those stood by our vehicles on the barracks square at Minden in full readiness in August 1961. As I remember it the US 1st Battle Group drew the short straw and advanced through East Germany to reinforce the Berlin western sector troops, fortunately without incident. I had spent my previous Christmas leave in Berlin visiting an old girlfriend so the whole incident had a special meaning for me.
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25 Fld.Sqn. RE Paderborn 1966 - 69
By way of introduction 25 Fld.Sqn. was my first posting after leaving Borden and completing my VM training. As I remember WO2 "Tug" Wilson was the SSM and Sgt "Topper " Brown was my REME boss. I was also attached to 44 Fld. Spt Sqn. as REME fitter and of course the LAD. 5 Fld. Sqn. was also in the same camp and we were all part of 4 Div. RE. We mostly had Mk. 2 FV432's Ferrets and Humber Pigs with a few B'fords and Land Rovers thrown in.If anybody remembers me please feel free to post. Thanks Vince
25 Fld.Sqn. RE Paderborn 1966 - 69
By way of introduction 25 Fld.Sqn. was my first posting after leaving Borden and completing my VM training. As I remember WO2 "Tug" Wilson was the SSM and Sgt "Topper " Brown was my REME boss. I was also attached to 44 Fld. Spt Sqn. as REME fitter and of course the LAD. 5 Fld. Sqn. was also in the same camp and we were all part of 4 Div. RE. We mostly had Mk. 2 FV432's Ferrets and Humber Pigs with a few B'fords and Land Rovers thrown in.If anybody remembers me please feel free to post. Thanks Vince