41 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon


41 Plant Park Sqn RE part of 40 Adv Eng stores Regt

This was known to me as 42 Field Squadron

42 Field Squadron were in Hameln, (1964-2013), where they were disbanded.
You probably meant 42 survey, or, people who look through funny things!