Army Apprentices School

This is for those of you who are "old school" - literally.  Anyone have any memories of this place?  Hank Lawrence's Website for 58A Harrogate/Chepstow



A book written by Fred Carslake 'The HARROGATE Army Apprentice - Our Story' is leading the way in showing the UNEMPLOYED what can be achieved by Hard Work, Determination and Good Initiative.

For years Fred has been reading stories in the papers about large numbers of people being unemployed and seeing many reports of them living out on the streets in the UK.

In 1957 he was one of a group of waif’s and strays who joined the army as 15 year olds many with no qualifications at all, their story is covered in a book he has just written 'The HARROGATE Army Apprentice - Our Story'. It not only charts their journey through the Army Apprentice School at Harrogate but carries on to show how far they went up the ranks in the regular army, it also reflects on their success stories in Civvy Street.

Part One tells the story of what they actually did and got up to while they were there, the Army Apprentice School at Harrogate turned raw young boys many from broken homes into very skilled tradesmen. The skills instilled in them during their apprenticeships made the modern army what it is today.

Part Two covers the time they left Harrogate and served in the regular army showing how far up the military ladder they went, it also shows details of their Roll of Honor write-ups. Returning to Civvy Street and the relevance that their army lives had on their civilian careers is also covered in this section.

The success stories of these ex Harrogate apprentices are what this book is all about, it will certainly give a great deal of inspiration to every one reading it, whatever their age group ..... I feel that this book could go a long way in showing people out of work the way forward.

This book which contains stories from over 40 ex-army apprentices reflects on what many did to overcome a number of employment difficulties leading to very successful civilian careers.

The book can be bought from Fred Carslake at 29 Coopers Drive, Yate, Bristol BS37 7XZ for £15 plus £2 P&P. Further details of the book can be found 'all over the web' either under the books title or the authors name Fred Carslake. ISBN : 978-0-9570876-0-6.
