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HQ 170 (Infra Sp) Engr Gp
Had this message about 170 from Andy Pearce February 2013 - Basically it replaced HQ Military Works Force in 2005, bringing together 62, 63 and 64 CRE (Works) and RE Specialist TA from CVHQ. The CRE Wks were re-titled 62, 63, 64 Wks Gps and the TA bit 65 Wks Gp (V). 66 Wks gp were added in 2008/9, 67 Wks Gp in 2010/11 and the HQ/Sp elements were grouped centrally and re-titled 43 HQ & Sp Sqn in Oct 12. 67 Wks Gp will dis-band as part of the Army 2020 re-structure by the end of 2013.
Their web-site is at:
170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group is a regular unit. Broken down into Wks Gps - 62, 63, 64, 65(TA) and 66. I could go further as each regular Wks group has a TA STRE as well .
170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group has been going from strength to strength since coming into being in April 2005 and continues to be at the forefront of infrastructure delivery on operations. Its renaming from Military Works Force completed the transition to an operationally focused organisation whose Works Groups have maintained a 12 month tour interval throughout.
The Group's remit is to deliver infrastructure engineering support to deployed joint task forces. This support ranges from theatre-entry expeditionary infrastructure through to maintenance and decommissioning. Since closing the Iraq estate the main focus has been Afghanistan providing the military estate from initial entry (physically building the Temporary Deployable Accommodation for Prelim Operations to deploy into in 2005) through to ongoing development and running of the estate from Main Operating Bases to Tactical Bases.
The Group was responsible for the design, construction and continued development of Camp Bastion and the Forward Operating Bases and has oversight of the contract to maintain all the military facilities throughout Afghanistan.
Since 2009 it has been additionally responsible for all construction undertaken by the Provisional Reconstruction Team in Helmand Province, steadily improving the capabilities and competencies of local Afghan contractors. The Group deploys elements worldwide in its role as a design consultancy for the rest of the Corps and wider Defence community.
It also provides essential design support to ongoing Joint Force Enabling Exercises in a variety of demanding locations in order to train and practice other elements of the Corps in Force Support Engineering.
The prime building block for operational deployments is the Works Group that consists of a Headquarters and two Specialist Team Royal Engineers (Works). The Works Group, once deployed, can call forward in-depth expertise from teams that specialize in materials testing, water development, power infrastructure, bulk petroleum and force protection engineering and has call on unique territorial skills in ports and railways infrastructure.
ESG Barton Stacey
What happened to Engineer Sp Gp Barton Stacey were they disbanded or absorbed into 170 ESG