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HQ 21 Engr Regt
Glen Wilson remembers this -
21 Engr Regt Nienburg. 1988 ish. CO was Lt Col Elliott. The Regt was called "Indianna Elliott and the Regt of Doom". We had a monthly COs ball buster. Anyone remember??
DaveBoy Ellis Are you on a nostalgia trip?
David Forbes Are'nt we all ?lol
Christopher Parish Hi Glen, i certainly remember them. Still got knackered toenails to prove it. Do you remember the one where we had to paddle down the Weser in assault boats, then carry the bloody things back to camp! those were the days eh!!
Kevin Belcher The smiling assassin. I remember 1 when the regt came off exercise and were told end ex on arrival at camp to be greeted by the gym staff who took them for a run and assault course !!! For some reason we didn't get to any of the squadron bars for the Friday piss up that day !!! Lmfao
Charlie Simcoe Would you believe, Elliott ended up as a General.
Roger Lee Anyone remember Exercise Northren Hemmarodis We had to walk every where for a week in mid winter then got a train back.
Alan Kettlewell remembers the following people, if you're one of the people on this list then why not get in touch with him?
Sgt Andy Gray, Sgt Brian Hickock, SSgt Snelling - but I think on the MT, LCpl Bill Patterson, Spr (Jenny) Wren, Spr Dennis Scaife, Spr Rab (Jock) Lockie, Spr Jim Sawyer, Spr Jim Baker, LCpl Jim Preston, SSgt Ralph Walsh, Lt (Dimmo) Wallis, Spr Jim Sykes, Spr Azzopardi, Spr George Munro (RIP - sadly killed by a hit and run driver on the crossroads outside the camp at Nienburg) LCpl Del Skinner (also hit by the driver but survived after a long stay in hospital)
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