Joint Services Air Trooping Centre

This was a unit based at RAF Hendon apparently.  This information comes from Ron Beat, and if you want to know more you can find him via the member search page.


This Joint Services Unit was responsible for overseeing long distance (NOT BAOR) air trooping by civilian firms (NOT RAF Transport Command).

Passenger lists were compiled by the planning staff at RAF Hendon. Aircraft seating plans were devised by the duty staff daily and members of each shift were at the various air terminals when required ie in the 60s British Eagle International Airways terminal at Knightsbridge, BOAC at Victoria etc etc. Staff were also present at any airport involved ie London Heathrow, Gatwick, Stanstead and even on one occasion Exeter.

Staff were known as "Movers"

Any armed forces member or family member of a serving Army/Navy/RAF person who was being flown home on "Compassionate" grounds ie death in the family etc and flying in to the UK from overseas by civilian aircraft was always met at the arrival airport and their onward journey home made as easy as possible.

There was a Transit Camp at Hendon for single armd forces members and a hotel for families.

Some scenes of the film "The Dirty Dozen" were filmed at Hendon in the mid 60s.
