TA - 135 Indep Geo Sqn (Volunteers)

135 Independent Geographic Squadron Royal Engineers (Volunteers) is the only unit in the Territorial Army (TA) to support 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic). As a TA Squadron, it serves as the 4th sub-unit within the Regiment, providing geographic support to defence - such as surveying and terrain analysis, the production of maps and geographic products, and the distribution of these.

As Royal Engineers, or 'Sappers', the unit is involved in a variety of additional tasks including, bridge building, demolitions, construction, as well as survey work.


The squadron offers a range of roles:

  • Survey and terrain analysis  
    The collection, collation, manipulation and production of data, and advice to senior commanders on the effects of the terrain on operations.
  • Production of geographic products
    The creation, production and reproduction of geographic mapping products in an operational environment.
  • Geographic Information Dissemination (GID)
    The distribution of geographic products to the Field Army, and the establishment of a re-supply logistical chain in the field.


I was Pronto Minor in the first signals section of 135 when the disbanded the T.A. I transferred from 114 Army Engineer Regiment in Hackney East London to Ewell in Surrey.

I was Pronto Minor in the first signals section of 135 when the disbanded the T.A. I transferred from 114 Army Engineer Regiment in Hackney East London to Ewell in Surrey.

135 Geographic Squadron RE