TA - 591 Indep Fd Sqn

591 Independent Field Squadron is the only Royal Engineer TA unit in Northern Ireland. The Squadron is based in Bangor, County Down with a detachment located in Antrim.

The Squadron is a Light Role, Close Support, Combat Engineer Squadron. It comprises 2 Field Troops of Combat Engineers, a Support Troop of drivers and plant operators and supporting personnel. The Squadron employs the following trades

  • Royal Engineers - Officers
  • Royal Engineers - Combat Engineers
  • Royal Engineers -Drivers
  • Royal Engineers -Plant Operators
  • Royal Engineers - Signallers
  • Royal Engineers - Resources Specialists
  • Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Vehicle Mechanics and Armourers
  • Royal Army Medical Corps - Medics
  • Royal Logistic Corps - Chefs
  • Adjutant General Corps - Clerks
  • Army Physical training Corps - Physical Training Instructor

The Squadron is established for 158 personnel and is absolutely focussed on delivering challenging and rewarding training and supporting the British Army on operations. The Squadron regularly trains on the mainland and currently has personnel deployed on UN peacekeeping operations as well as Operation HERRICK in Afghanistan.

In the past 12 months 591 has conducted demolition training in Scotland, bridging training in Weymouth, water supply training in Ripon and combat engineers and plant training in France. Squadron personnel have undertaken adventure training in Scotland and Gibraltar and a battlefield tour in Normandy.
