15 Squadron

This is the main page for the squadron or unit. More info will be added here as I get the time, but for now it's a "base" for establishing comms with other members of the same unit. You can post messages for other members of the same unit using the messages link above this blurb, and you can also search for other members of this unit. Once you find them, click on their name to send an email direct to them. Please note that this website doesn't "remember" your emails, they are sent direct from you to the recipient without sappers.co.uk getting in the way. That helps you get in touch quickly and it keeps everything simple and free. Have fun. Gordon



Hi Gus. if you get this message contact me at: pdlefort@gmail.com

15 Field Park/Support Sqn. I have just posted photos from the Soldier Magazine from 1967. A Plant Troop project OC - Capt Gordon Batty. MPF was Mick? He always had his whippet dog with him. Sqn QM was Capt Bob Teeling MM who used to visit from Ripon. Brilliant QM but caught a cold in 1968 when a 2-ton bin trailer being unloaded rolled of the MEXE float attached to the LSL, floated away and sank. 38 Regtl diving team recovered the FAMTO and spares on board with loading list which had about half the items Bob had said were on board. Just like the inventories of the Donnington fire or the Atlantic Conveyor!

True... the 2 ton bin trailer had all my spares onboard. I was one of two REME lads there (Ron Bostock). I vaguely remember Bob Teeling but 53 years is long time. It was the SQN welder (Flash) what done it. We were all driving different items of plant off the "Sir Bedivere" onto the MEXE floats. Flash had positioned a twenty odd ton Ruston Bucyrus crane with the bin trailer attached to the towbar but he didn't rachet the brake on enough. The crane went for a swim and took the trailer with it, they slowly drifted away with the trailer acting like a huge float, the pressure was immense and after a few minutes there was loud bang where the towbar was ripped off. It made the Shetland Times "What is green, weighs 2 ton and goes... glug glug glug"?. Others who I remember Lt Semple, Sgt Roy Samson, L/Cpl John Bell, Brian Silver. I will post a brief account of this project at a later date... it was a Bar Steward.

Any of you guys remember replacing the doors in A wing crunlin Road prison I think it was in 1976? I was a chippy doing the false work, concreting, plastering and painting. Any photos?

Any guys on here that was in 15 Fld Pk Sqn RE in1956 up to 60 - even beyond would be great.. If so give me a message be great to hear from you